

    About Us: 55 years . . .






      The Family
    • Though the family can be traced back even further, the Andipas were recognised in Venice in 1593 by the Doge gifting their coat of arms to the family who originated from the Greek island of Cephalonia. Their crest portrays the various pillars of the family: adventurers, artists, lawmakers and their fundamental belief in friendship and brothers-in-arms. Later, the family found itself in Palestine battling the Ottomans before finally returning to Greece in the early 1950’s. Several years later, during a fateful trip to London, the family entered the world of music and the arts. In 1967, Andipa was established in the very same townhouse it occupies today in Knightsbridge. 




    • 虽然安迪帕家族的歷史可以追溯到更远,但安迪帕斯家族于 1593 年在威尼斯得到了总督的认可,且赠送给了来自希腊凯法利尼亚岛的安迪帕家族族徽。族徽描绘了家庭的各个支柱:冒险家、艺术家、立法者以及他们对友谊和手足兄弟的基本信仰。后来,安迪帕在巴勒斯坦与奥斯曼人作战,最终于 1950 年代初返回希腊。几年后,在一次决定性的伦敦之旅中,安迪帕进入了音乐和艺术的世界。 1967 年,安迪帕画廊在它今天位于骑士桥的底点成立。






      2020 +
    • Andipa has reinvented itself over the decades and will once more soon announce its next exciting vision. Moving forwards exploring how art will be collected now and by future generations. 


      Watch this space...






      2010 - 2020
    • Curating the first unauthorised museum exhibition of artworks by Banksy, Andipa grew its endeavours in curating academic shows whilst discovering new possibilities in Beijing, Moscow and Istanbul. 


      Adapting to the changing artworld, Andipa started to work more closely with private clients and collectors, advising and acquiring rare artworks by major institutional artists for their collections. The Andipa townhouse expanded to incorporate greater space for exhibitions, private viewings and to meet the need of its growing family of clients.


      2010 - 2020

    • 画廊策划了班克斯首次未经授权的博物馆艺术展,且在策划学术展览方面更加努力,並同时在北京、莫斯科和伊斯坦布尔发展了新的可能性。为了适应不断变化的艺术世界,安迪帕开始与私人客户和收藏家更密切地合作,並提供咨询和收购主要机构艺术家的稀有艺术品。画廊进行了扩建,以容纳更大的展览空间、私人观展空间,并满足其不断增长的客户的需求。






      2000 - 2010

    • Andipa engaged with original Banksy paintings and artworks, cementing their position as a leading dealer, curator and advisor, becoming a major destination for Banksy collectors worldwide. Participating in major international art fairs, Andipa also incorporated Pop Art with particular emphasis on Warhol, Lichtenstein, Haring and Wesselman.


      Known for its client care, close working relationships and the ability to discreetly place and source important works, the Directors introduce bespoke Art Funds for private and institutional clients to marry the pleasures of collecting with the security of building a valuable collection. 


      2000 - 2010

    • 安迪帕经销班克斯原创绘画和艺术品,巩固了作为领先经销商、策展人和顾问的地位,成为全球班克斯收藏家的主要目的地。安迪帕参加主要的国际艺术博览会,还融入了波普艺术,包括沃霍尔、列支敦士登、哈林和韦塞尔曼. 







      1990 - 2000

    • With the growing demand of art offered by Andpa, offices were established in Chicago and New York to further assist global collectors. The curatorial expertise expanded with frequent exhibitions throughout the year in London and international locations of great artist luminaries from Rembrandt to Picasso.


      By the late 90's its contemporary art programme was in full swing with regular exhibitions of emerging artists from the UK and Europe. Partnerships were established with specialist dealers of Old Masters and important Ancient Art widening the focus of artworks offered to Andipa's private clients.


      1990 - 2000

    • 随着画廊对艺术品的需求不断增长,安迪帕在芝加哥和纽约设立了办事处,以进一步协助全球收藏家。安迪帕的策展专业知识,随着全年在伦敦和国际,频繁举办与伦勃朗和毕加索等伟大艺术家名人相关的展览而扩大。

      到 90 年代后期,安迪帕的当代艺术项目如火如荼,定期举办来自英国和欧洲的新兴艺术家的展览。安迪帕与古典大师和重要古代艺术的专业经销商建立了合作伙伴关系,扩大了向可私人客户提供的艺术品。






      1980 - 1990



    • The expansion of the art market in the 1980's led Andipa to exploring art history with contemporary art giving the opportunity to young artists to exhibit their paintings and sculptures alongside Andipa's museum-quality collection of early works from Greece, Russia and North Africa. 


      Experimenting further with its academic series of lectures, high-tech light and sound shows merged with relics to national and international acclaim. Building relationships with its collectors played a large role in the gallery's activities with regular musical and operatic evenings in addition to poetry and theatre nights. 




      1980 - 1990
    • 1980 年代艺术市场的扩张导致安迪帕用当代艺术探索艺术史,让年轻艺术家的绘画和雕塑有机会与安迪帕博物馆级的希腊、俄罗斯和北非早期作品收藏一起展示。







      1970 - 1980
    • Developing an interest in curating, Andipa expanded its exhibition programme to include cathedrals, institutions and museums, working closely with academics and authors.


      This established Andipa as a leading source of important Byzantine and Post-Byzantine art amongst international collectors. Through their lectures and curating of exhibitions the reputation of Andipa grew as did its position within the world of art.





      1970 - 1980

    • 出于对策展的兴趣,画廊扩大了展览项目,到大教堂、学术机构和博物馆,并与学者和作家密切合作。







      1967 - 70
    • Andipa Gallery was founded in 1967 by religious art specialist Maria Andipa and has been based from the same Knightsbridge townhouse ever since. Originally specialising in early Byzantine objects and religious Icons, the gallery became a popular location for both historic collectors and the wider public. Her love of Icons started at an early age in her birthplace of Jerusalem when she would cheekily pick apples from the local nunnery whilst watching the Sisters paint icons in their gardens. 



      1967 - 70

    • 安迪帕画廊由宗教艺术专家玛丽亚·安迪帕于 1967 年创立,从那时起就位于同一骑士桥地点。画廊最初专注于早期的拜占庭物品和宗教圣像,成为历史收藏家和广大公众的热门地点。她对圣像的热爱始于她的出生地耶路撒冷,当时她会厚颜无耻地从当地的尼姑庵采摘苹果,同时看着修女们在她们的花园里画圣像。