Supporting collectors & their collections wherever, whenever.
Conserving and restoring artworks is, no pun intended, a fine art. Andipa's position and experience within the artworld has led to trusted and long-standing relationships with the finest restorers and conservators allowing us to fully support our clients and their collections when needed.
As with all experts, each has their own strengths and specialisations. On your behalf, we identify and engage with the best person or studio to restore or conserve a particular artwork or medium to restore it to its former glory or give it a spot of tender loving care. From full restorations or the removal of scuffs, pin holes or dirt we oversee all aspects and interactions with our restorers and conservators for you.
每个专家都有自己的优势和专长,所以我们为您确保您与最优秀的专家或工作室合作,以修复或保存特定的艺术品,以恢复其昔日的辉煌,或给予它一个温柔的修复。 从全面修复到去除磨损、针孔或污垢,我们为您监督艺术品修复者和艺术品维护者工作的所有过程。
Maintaining and preserverving of works of art helps to protect them from future damage and deterioration so that they can be enjoyed for decades to come and hold their value. With extensive experience within art collection management for private clients, museums and galleries Andipa are your trusted go-between when looking to conserve your artworks.
维护和保存艺术品,有助于保护它们免受损坏和恶化,以便它们可以在未来几十年内被欣赏并保持其价值。 凭借在私人客户、博物馆和画廊的艺术收藏管理方面的丰富经验,安迪帕是您维护艺术品时,值得信赖的中间人。
Art restoration involves the repairing or renovation of artworks that have been damaged or have decayed with the goal of restoring the work to its original, undamaged form. Once restored, we can advise on the safeguarding of the piece and storage in order to maintain the work in its very best condition.
艺术修复涉及修复或翻新已损坏或腐烂的艺术品,目的是将作品恢复到其原始、未损坏的形式。 修复后,我们可以就作品的保护和储藏提供建议,以将作品保持在最佳状态。
For inquiries, please contact sales@andipa.com or telephone +44 (0)20 7581 1244.