“If you want to say something and have people listen, then you have to wear a mask. If you want to be honest then you have to live a lie.” – Banksy

Few have ever seen him, fewer know his face, and no photos showing him are circulating, yet Banksy conquers the world through his work of unprecedented ethical, evocative and thematic power to become the ‘people’s hero’. Banksy's images are simple but not elementary; with messages that examine the themes of capitalism, war, social control, and freedom in the broadest sense, and within the paradoxes of our time. The exhibition will explore the mindset of the artist known as Banksy and the thinking behind this quote that allows him to say and do things that many of us wished we could say and do ourselves. By examining over 100 original works, installations, objects and prints the exhibition examines the concept of the mask, both for the artist to protect his identity and the mask that we all present to the outside world.

To enquire about Banksy original artwork, as seen in this exhibition, see Andipa Gallery.

Installation Views
Exhibition Works